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Norfolk County

Work injury claim formReal Estate and Workers' Compensation Attorneys Serving Norfolk County

For many people in Norfolk County, the purchase of a home is the biggest decision of their lives. Similarly, an accident sustained at work can completely change an employee's life. These events have significant consequences, many of them legal. You should consider seeking knowledgeable representation from the Norfolk County workers' compensation lawyers at Pulgini & Norton if you have been hurt on the job. Our real estate attorneys also can vigilantly protect your interests if you are buying or selling a home.

Asserting Your Right to Benefits after a Workplace Accident

In most situations, workers’ compensation benefits are available for injuries or illnesses that arise in the course and scope of the job. This is not always as straightforward as it seems. For example, many employers require their employees to travel for work. Under what is known as the "going and coming rule," workers' compensation benefits usually are not available for injuries suffered while commuting. However, there are exceptions.

If you are required to travel for your job and get hurt while traveling or at another work site, you may be able to recover benefits. Similarly, if you are doing some sort of activity that benefits your employer, even if you are not being paid, you may be able to recover for injuries suffered during that activity. For example, if your employer requires you to go to a company picnic and play a mandatory game of baseball and you sprain your ankle, this may be a compensable injury. Another exception to the going and coming rule applies when an employer owns the property where the employee suffers an injury, and the employee was required to use that property. For example, if you are required to park in the company parking lot and get in an accident there that results in injuries, you may be able to recover workers' compensation benefits.

Facilitating a Property Transaction

Whether you are buying or selling a home, retaining a knowledgeable real estate attorney can make a huge difference to how smoothly a transaction goes. There are numerous clauses in real estate purchase agreements, and it is unwise to agree to a contract if you do not fully understand the consequences of each of these clauses.

One clause that is sometimes used in real estate contracts is an escalation clause (also known as an "escalator"). This allows you to automatically increase your first offer in case the seller receives another offer that is higher. Usually, an escalator includes information about how much the initial offer is and how much your offer will be escalated above other bids. In a carefully drafted clause, a maximum ceiling will be specified in case there are several offers and escalations by other prospective buyers.

Norfolk County Lawyers for Real Estate or Workers’ Compensation Matters

If you are buying or selling a home, or pursuing another type of property transaction, the Norfolk County real estate attorneys at Pulgini & Norton may be able to assist you. We also are available to injured employees who need a workers’ compensation lawyer to assert their rights. Call us at 781-843-2200 or contact us via our online form for a free consultation.